After a traumatic event, such as a sexual assault or some other form of sexual or gender-based violence, it is important to seek medical care. Health care providers can help you determine the extent of injuries, whether medications are needed (e.g., emergency contraception, antibiotics to prevent sexually transmitted infection, antiretroviral medication to prevent HIV) and assist emotionally, and to collect and preserve physical evidence Sexual Assault Nursing Exams (SANE).
You may obtain medical care at any medical facility.
Hospitals marked with a * are regional healthcare facilities equipped with specially trained nurses, known as SANE (Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners) or FNE (Forensic Nurse Examiners). These professionals can perform forensic sexual assault exams (SANE exams) to collect and preserve evidence within 72 hours of an assault.
Confidential Medical Attention may be obtained through the following hospitals. No specific recommendations are being made related to care.
Centra Southside Community Hospital
If survivors present at Centra Southside, they will be transported to Centra Lynchburg for a SANE exam, free of charge.
800 Oak St
Farmville, VA 23901
(434) 392.8811
*Centra Lynchburg General Hospital (SANE nurse program)
1901 Tate Springs Rd
Lynchburg, VA 24501
Phone: 434.200.3000
*VCU Hospital, Richmond (Emergency Department, Forensic Nurse Examiners Program)
You are strongly encouraged to report sexual and gender-based violence to the police. Reporting to the police will not affect your ability to pursue action through the university process nor will it obligate you to pursue a criminal process.
Some content was used with permission from the University of Virginia, 2018.